Safer Space Statement

It’s important to me that the dance spaces I hold are welcoming and safe enough for everyone who comes. I’ve created this statement to be clear about what I offer and what I ask of people dancing in my classes, workshops and retreats. This is a living statement, and I welcome feedback.

I will:

  • Aim to include all bodies and experiences, to the best of my ability and within the resources I have available to me

  • Listen to you if you have a question or concern about anything you’ve experienced in the space, and follow up as needed

  • Approach, be curious and challenge if necessary - behaviour or actions that I or others in the space find uncomfortable or distressing

  • If I have concerns about someone’s behaviour or actions I may make requests that are conditions for attendance in future

I ask that you:

  • Are respectful of other dancers in the space - with your body and with your words

  • If you’re not sure of the effect of your action or words, then have the courage to check it out - ask how it was for the other person and be willing to hear their answer

  • Are well enough to be in the dance space - emotionally and physically able to largely take care of yourself and your needs as they arise during the process of dance

  • Keep your top on, no bare chests for people of any gender

  • Are free of the influence of recreational drugs or alcohol

  • After a dance - hold confidentiality and respect for other dancers - share about your experience and please keep confidential anything about anyone else

Questions, comments, suggestions? Get in touch.